Friday, August 15, 2008

Greenman:The Art of Douglas A. Sirois Show September 5th-12th!

The Greenman exhibition is a collection of paintings by internationally known illustrator Douglas A. Sirois. The show's main focus is on the ancient mythical Greenman; a spirit that symbolizes man's union with the natural world. In a time when western civilization has recklessly ignored its relationship to the Earth, Sirois's visions of the Greenman and other Earth spirits act as gentle reminders of this connection. The works reflect some of the most natural themes in our lives; Life, Death, Birth, Growth, as well as challenges and choices that people face individually and collectively. Please join us for this unique exhibition that will be sure to evoke inspiration, reflection and wonder. The show also features other fantasy and conceptual illustrations by Sirois.

The flyer:


Cheryl Savala said...

Congratulations Doug!
I will do my best to make it to the opening with the kids. We are all so proud of you here at the office and truly miss having your tender soul with us. Hope all is well with the family!

Cheryl Savala said...

Congratulations Doug!
I will do my best to make it to the opening with the kids. We are all so proud of you here at the office and truly miss having your tender soul with us. Hope all is well with the family!

Cheryl Savala said...

Congratulations Doug!
I will do my best to make it to the opening with the kids. We are all so proud of you here at the office and truly miss having your tender soul with us. Hope all is well with the family!

Cheryl Savala said...

Sorry for the multiple posts. technical difficulties are rampant on my end tonight!