Wednesday, August 19, 2009


What does this word mean to you? As women who have experienced the anguish of seeing our loved ones diagnosed with Breast Cancer, this word has held new meaning for us. Everyday our families imagined what life would be like without Breast Cancer. At times, the emotional and physical effects were too much to bear. So, six months ago, in honor of our family members and all of the women stricken by this horrible disease, we formed a team of women from Menagerie Creative to walk in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. It seemed only fitting that we call ourselves "Team Imagine..."

For two days, September 12th and 13th, we will join thousands of other men and women to dare to imagine a world without breast cancer. Together, we will walk 39 miles as one through the streets of Long Beach spreading awareness of this horrible disease. As part of this commitment, each team member has agreed to raise at least $1,800.00 a piece and an overall team goal of $10,000.00.

With less than a month left, Team Imagine continues on the fundraising trail with yet another break through in reaching our goal. Last Thursday night, we held a fundraiser at T.G.I. Friday's in Yorba Linda, where they generously agreed to donate 20% of every food item purchased between the hours of 5:00-9:00 P.M.. With an attendance of close to 60 people, we raised over $150.00. That coupled with private donations from the evening, we brought home over $300.00. Not too bad for a few hours of food, fun and entertainment. This leaves us with only $500.00 to go as a team to reach $5000.00, at which time, Menagerie Creative has agreed to match our funds 100% to reach our final goal of $10,000.00.

In addition to our continued success in fundraising, we each have spent many days training to prepare ourselves physically for the trek ahead. Between getting up early to walk to work, and individual walks on the weekends, our Team has fully commited to go the distance. Of course, it will be very tiring, but in the end so rewarding both for ourselves, the survivors and the men and women still enduring this terrible disease.

Furthermore, in celebrating this wonderful event, we have a limited quantity T-Shirts designed in support of Team Imagine... and the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. For $15.00 plus shipping and handling, you can own a Team Imagine... T-Shirt with all proceeds will go toward the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. And if with each generous donation of $100 or more, we will send a complimentary t-shirt as our way of saying thank you. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, please email and we will gladly follow up with you.

Team Imagine is so thankful and proud to be a part of this truly worthy event, and would like to thank everyone on behalf of ourselves and the Avon Foundation for all of the support you have shown us for the past six months. You have truly made a difference!

If you would like to make an individual donation to the cause, please visit our team’s page below.

By Michelle Manley