Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Team Imagine... reaches the finish line and soars high for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer!

We did it! After six months of fundraising, Team Imagine.. raised a grand total of $11,410.00 and still receiving donations. Well surpassing our goal of $10,000.00 for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

The time finally came for us this past weekend to set out on our journey in joining together with over 2000 participants from 33 different states and four countries to walk as one spreading awareness and taking one step closer in ending the fight against breast cancer. As a whole, we raised over $4.6 million, which was immediately distributed to local organizations specializing in advance access to care for those without health insurance and research to find a cure for breast cancer. These organizations include Project Angel Food, Northridge Hospital Foundation, Council of Community Clinics, University of Southern California, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Starting out bright and early day one, we set out from the Queen Mary in Long Beach on a course of 26.2 miles across Belmont Shores, Seal Beach, past the 22 and 405 Freeways and ending at El Dorado Park in Los Alamitos. Along the way, we were greeted by cheers from hundreds of supporters who could not make it on the walk, but took the time out to show their support of all of us and for this wonderful cause. In addition to our supporters, we were also blessed to have hundreds of volunteers catering to our every need. Everything from snacks, drinks, medics, massages, security to even ice baths to soothe our aching feet. They were truly an amazing crew and we were so lucky to have them.

The second day, tired and sore, we set out one more time, this time from El Dorado Park 13 miles back to the Queen Mary for a Closing Ceremony we will never forget. To look back over the two days, the distance we traveled, the stories we heard, and the experiences we had, it is truly a moment of pride and motivation to keep on fighting. To see these men and women that have survived this awful disease and hear their stories brings hope that with a continued effort, we will beat this disease. To top it off, special guest Patrick Dempsey, Actor and Special Ambassador to the Avon Foundation closed the event with a congratulatory speech and raffled off his racing suit and opportunity to attend a 2010 race with the Dempsey Racing Team.

It was a fantastic event and an even more amazing experience. This was one of those life changing event which restores faith in humanity and we encourage everyone to experience it first hand. If you are interested in helping this cause, donations are still being accepted. Please visit our team’s page HERE.

Furthermore, in celebrating this wonderful event, we have a limited quantity T-Shirts designed in support of Team Imagine... and the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. For $15.00 plus shipping and handling, you can own a Team Imagine... T-Shirt with all proceeds benefiting the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, please email engage@menageriecreative.com and we will gladly follow up with you.


Carey Paris said...

Great post! We posted it on InItToEndIt.org here: http://www.inittoendit.org/forum/topics/team-imagine-raises-11410-for

Lorraine Thomas said...

Hi Team Imagine! I visited your website from the link on InItToEndIt.org
My first walk is coming up on Oct 24 & 25 in Charlotte. I'm getting excited, but there are a few of us on my team who haven't reached our $1,800 mark yet. How many members are on your team?

Cheryl Savala said...

Hi Lorraine,
We just completed our walk in Southern California and we had three members on our team.

I realize it can be difficult at time to raise those fundraising dollars, but the Avon Site provides lots of tips. And above all persistence pays off.

I wish you and your team a very rewarding and inpiring weekend!