Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pulp Non-Fiction: 5 Unique Paper Stocks for Exceptional Projects.

1) Bier: Gmund
A unique paper made with shocking Iingredients. Do you like it dark, light, grainy, or hoppy? This paper is made out of the same ingredients as beer! You won’t get fined for holding this “bier” out in the public!

2) Reaction: Gmund
A shinning paper with cool lighting effects. Dark Red? Pink? Blue? or Green? It’s like a chameleon! This paper changes its color depending on the way the light falls across its surface. Get noticed with these interchanging color and get the reaction you want from others!

3) Eames: Neenah Paper
A collaborative work of art by Charles & Ray Eames & paper company. The unique Eames paper collections which comes in architecture, painting, & furniture are from the leading designers (husband & wife) in the field of product design, architecture & short films. These papers are bold & modern; sophisticated & clean; meticulous & well designed. If dress to impress is what you’re looking for, a simple change of paper stock to your project can change your impression as well.

4) Doublemates: WorldWin
A duplex paper with versatile appearances. Milk & cookies, Bert & Ernie, and movies & popcorn. All good things come in pairs. These 2-sided card stocks have a linen embossed pattern on both sides. Double the layer and double the fun!

5) Banana: Ecopaper
An eco-friendly paper. Yes, you heard it right! Banana has gone green! Made with 100% post consumer product (stalks of wasted banana plants). Feel the jungle on the palm of your hand and you can go bananas with it!

Compiled, written and featuring Maki Mori!

Sources: www.gmund.com, gmundbg.com, www.lcipaper.com, www.thepapermillstore.com,
www.ecopaper.com, www.treefreepaper.com, www.neenahpaper.com,